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- This is a demo version of Total Annihilation, consisting of three single
- player missions taken from the full version of the game. The full version
- of Total Annihilation contains 50 missions as well as over 35 skirmish
- maps and extensive multi-player capabilities. Every week new units will
- be available to download and incorporate into the full version of the game.
- To find out more about Total Annihilation, visit the web site at http://www.cavedog.com.
- 1. The Galactic War
- 2. System Requirements
- 3. Game Components
- 4. Main Battle Screen Interface
- 5. Unit Orders
- 6. Using the Mouse
- 7. Building Units and Structures
- 8. Keyboard Commands
- 9. Mission Walk-Throughs
- 1. The Galactic War
- Long ago the galaxy had known peace. Paradise was ruled with the hand of science, and the
- hand was that of the galactic governing body known as the Core.
- Paradoxically it was the ultimate victory, the victory over death itself,
- which brought about the downfall of their Paradise and started the war that would
- decimate a million worlds. The process, called "patterning", involved the electronic
- duplication of brain matrices and allowed the transfer of consciousness into durable
- machines. Effectively it meant immortality, and the Core decreed the process mandatory
- for all citizens in order to ensure their safety.
- There were many who were unwilling to toss aside their bodies so casually, many indeed
- who regarded patterning as an atrocity. They fled to the outer edges of the galaxy
- where they banded together to form a resistance which became known as the Arm. War
- began, though it was never officially declared by either side. The Arm developed
- high-powered combat suits for its armies, while the Core transferred the minds of its
- soldiers directly into similarly deadly machines. The Core duplicated its finest
- warriors thousands of times over. The Arm countered using cloning. The war raged on
- for over four thousand years, consuming the resources of an entire galaxy and leaving
- it a scorched wasteland.
- Both sides lay in ruins. Their civilizations had long since vanished; their
- once vast military complexes were smashed. Their armies were reduced to a few
- scattered remnants which continued to battle on ravaged worlds. Their hatred fueled
- by millennia of conflict, they would fight to the death. For each, the only acceptable
- outcome was the complete and utter annihilation of the other.
- 2. System Requirements
- Minimum Requirements
- CPU: 100 Mhz Pentium or faster
- RAM: 16MB
- OS: Windows 95
- Hard Drive: 40 MB available storage
- CD-ROM: 4x speed CD
- Display: 640 x 480 x 256 Colors
- Input: Microsoft (or 100% compatible) mouse.
- Software: Direct X version 5 must be installed.
- Recommended for Full Version
- CPU: 133 Mhz Pentium or faster
- RAM: 24 MB
- Optional
- A sound card is recommended for maximum enjoyment of Total Annihilation, but not
- required. If a sound card is used it must be Direct X compatible 3D Surround Sound System.
- 3. Game Components
- Total Annihilation features two fundamental game components: Units and Resources.
- Units can be Mobile Units (tanks, ships, planes, etc.), or Structures (factories,
- metal extraction plants, etc.). The most important unit is the Commander. Additional
- units are described in greater detail below. Resources, which consist of metal and
- energy, are the fundamental building blocks of the other game components. By
- collecting or reclaiming these basic resources, you will be able to create everything
- else you need to annihilate your opponent.
- Commander
- You are the Commander of the ARM or the CORE. You possess a matter/anti-matter backpack
- which produces and stores metal and energy. You have one of the most powerful weapons
- on the battlefield, the Disintegrator Gun. You also have the ability to construct an
- entire complex of war with your nano-lathe. Your battlesuit will self-repair slowly
- if it takes damage. Lastly you can gain energy by reclaiming bio-mass (trees and other
- plants) or gain metal by reclaiming the metal found in wrecks.
- Mobile Units
- You have access to a full complement of land, sea, and air units, including scouts,
- transports, construction and combat units. The game begins with just the Commander
- and his matter/anti-matter backpack. ItÆs up to you to build the necessary units and
- structures (see below) to mobilize your forces. See How To Play, below, for more
- information on building structures and units.
- Structures
- Structures provide a variety of functions, such as storing energy and metal,
- constructing mobile units, and acting as offensive and defensive weapons. Structures
- that build mobile units are known as factories. See How To Play, below, for more
- information on building structures and units.
- The two fundamental resources available to you are Metal and Energy. Every unit
- or structure that you build will require a certain amount of each.
- Metal
- Metal is the substance from which all units are created. Metal can be extracted
- from the ground with a Metal Extractor or reclaimed from the wreckage of destroyed
- units. Metal deposits look like a rough section of shiny rocks.
- Energy
- Energy powers all activity. Energy can be collected using Wind Generators,
- Solar Collectors, and several other structures. On some planets organic matter
- can be converted to energy using one of the many Construction units.
- 4. Main Battle Screen Interface
- Battle Map
- The Battle Map is a top-down 3D perspective of the battlefieldÆs terrain. The
- mapped (gray) areas are places your units have explored. Your battle map will
- retain knowledge of terrain but not of enemy activity in that area. The black
- areas of the screen show unexplored territory.
- Orders Button
- Displays commands available to the unit currently selected. These commands
- vary depending on the unitÆs capabilities.
- Build Button
- Displays units and structures that the currently selected unit can build.
- When a unit does not have this ability, the option is not available.
- Mini-Map
- Displays the entire battlefield in the top left corner, showing both terrain
- and radar information. Units can be given orders with the mini-map.
- Unit Color
- Your color is displayed in the upper left corner.
- Selected Unit(s)
- Selected units are outlined in green.
- Unit Status Bar
- The unit status bar is displayed in the lower left portion of the screen when
- a unit is selected. The left bar displays the selected unitÆs health status.
- The right bar indicates the health status of the unit associated with the selected
- unit. The notation in the center describes their association.
- Sending Messages
- Press Enter to bring up the Message box. Messages typed here will appear on all
- the other playersÆ screens accompanied by the name of its sender. This is only
- available in multi-player games.
- Metal and Energy Resources
- Displays resource information. Shows storage capacity, current production and
- usage.
- 5. Unit Orders
- Select a unit by clicking on it with the left mouse button (see Using the Mouse,
- below, for information on the two mouse options). When a unit is selected,
- menus appear on the left side of the screen. The menus display either the
- orders each unit can be given or its build capabilities. You may give a unit
- several orders at once. Hold down the "Shift" key while giving multiple mouse
- commands and the unit will undertake them in order. Units can have standing
- orders, specialty orders, or immediate orders. The three types of orders are
- described as follows:
- Standing orders control the unitÆs aggressiveness and mobility. These orders will
- determine your unitÆs basic behavior when interacting with enemy units.
- This behavior is based on the combination of the aggressiveness and mobility
- settings. Standing orders are accessed via the top two buttons in the Unit Orders menu.
- Aggressiveness
- FIRE AT WILL - The unit will attack any unit in range. Most aggressive setting.
- RETURN FIRE - Unit will not fire at an enemy unit until it has been fired upon.
- HOLD FIRE - Unit will not fire until ordered to do so. Least aggressive setting
- Mobility
- ROAM - Unit has free range of movement when interacting with enemy units.
- MANEUVER - Unit can move within a short range of its starting position to carry out
- its standing orders.
- HOLD POSITION - Unit will not move from current position.
- Specialty Orders apply to specific units, and are accessed via the middle set
- of buttons. Many Specialty Orders as well as the selected mouse interface will
- affect cursor behavior. The cursor always reflects the left-click function.
- See Using the Mouse, below, for more information. When using the Left-Click
- interface, the cursors shown below appear automatically to indicate the effect
- that a left-click would have in that particular spot. The cursors change as you
- move the mouse pointer around the battlefield. Not all unit orders have
- corresponding cursors.
- Activate / Deactivate
- The unit can be turned on and off.
- Cloaking
- The unit has the ability to cloak, rendering it invisible to enemy units.
- Cloaking uses energy.
- Stop
- Cancels an immediate or specialty order. All orders that have been queued up
- with the æshiftÆ key are also canceled.
- Load / Unload
- The unit has transport capabilities.
- Reclaim
- The unit can reclaim metal and energy from terrain, wreckage and other units.
- Repair
- The unit can be used to repair a damaged unit.
- Capture
- The unit can be ordered to capture an enemy unit. The larger and more
- armored the enemy unit is, the longer it will take to capture.
- Move
- The unit can be ordered to move to a new position.
- Guard
- The unit can be ordered to guard another unit.
- Patrol
- The unit can be ordered to patrol an area of the map. If a mobile construction
- unit is told to patrol an area, it will repair all friendly units it meets on its patrol.
- Attack
- The unit can be ordered to attack another unit.
- D-Gun
- The unit has the Disintegrator Gun.
- Bomb
- When bombers are ordered to attack, they show this cursor.
- 6. Using the Mouse
- Total Annihilation supports two mouse interface options: Left-Click interface
- (the default), and Right-Click interface. Both options use the left mouse button
- to select a unit, and to click on the Build and Orders menus. You can also left-click
- and drag to select multiple units. You can change the mouse interface in the
- Interface section of the Options menu. With both the Left-Click and the Right-Click
- interface, the cursor continually updates to indicate the action that would result by
- left-clicking on that spot on the screen. However, because only the Left-Click
- interface allows you to activate an order by left-clicking on the battlefield, it
- alone shows the cursor changing to indicate the pending action.
- Left-Click Interface
- The Left-Click interface uses the left mouse button for selecting a unit as well
- as activating an order. To select a unit, place the cursor over it and click the
- left mouse button. A selected unit displays a green outline. Once the unit is
- selected, you can use the left mouse button to activate an order. For example,
- you can move a selected unit to an open field by left-clicking on the field.
- Or you can order a selected unit to attack an enemy unit by left-clicking the
- enemy unit. As you move the cursor around the screen, it will change shape to
- indicate the action that left-clicking would carry out at that location. You can
- deselect a unit by right-clicking. You can also right-click inside the mini-map
- view and move the mouse while holding the right button down to scroll the mini-map.
- You can right-click outside the mini-map view to center the mini-map view over
- that point.
- Right-Click Interface
- As with the Left-Click interface (see above), you select a unit by left-clicking
- it. Once a unit is selected, use the right mouse button to activate the default
- order. For example, you can right-click on an open field to move the selected unit
- there. You can also give a unit orders by left-clicking one of the command buttons
- on the left side of the screen. See Unit Orders, above, for more information.
- Use the left mouse button to deselect and to move the mini-map view. Because the
- cursor only changes to show what the left mouse click will do (as in the Left-Click
- interface), the cursor does not update to show what the right mouse click will do.
- 7. Building Units and Structures
- Construction units and factories can build other units. Select a mobile construction
- unit or factory, and press the build button just under the mini-map to display the
- Build menu. Up to six buttons will be displayed, each with a picture showing the
- unit that can be built. If you move your cursor over these buttons, information about
- the cost of the unit will appear on the Unit Status Bar at the bottom of the screen.
- To build a unit, simply click on the corresponding button. You can build multiple
- units by clicking the button once for each unit to be built. For example, to build
- five units, click the button five times. Below the six buttons are two arrows.
- Clicking on these arrows will move through
- the selected units other build menus.
- To Build a Structure
- Use the Commander or a mobile construction unit to build structures. Click on
- the picture of the structure you wish to build and place the green outline in the
- desired location. If the square turns red, the structure cannot be built in that location.
- To Build a Mobile Unit
- Mobile units are built using factories. Left-click on the unit icon in the
- factoryÆs Build menu to start production. Multiple clicks will queue up the build
- orders. Right-click to cancel a build order from the queue.
- 8. Keyboard Commands
- CTRL1 - CTRL9 Assign the currently selected units to a squad
- ALT1 - ALT9 Activate (select) the previously assigned squad
- 1 - 9 Select the menu for the current unit
- F1 Display information on selected unit
- F2 Bring up the Options menu
- F3 Go to the unit that last reported/chatted information
- CTRL+F9 Screen capture, will Print screen to file SHOT####.pcx
- F12 Clear all chat messages
- CTRL+A Select all of your units
- CTRL+C Center screen and select your Commander
- CTRL+D Self-destruct selected units (will toggle on and off)
- CTRL+S Select all units currently on the screen
- CTRL+Z Select all units of same type
- A Give an attack order
- B Select the Build menu for that unit
- C Give a capture order
- D Use the Disintegrator Gun
- E Give a reclaim order
- F Toggles fire orders
- G Give a guard order
- H Share resources with another player
- K Toggles selected unit's cloaking capabilities
- M Give a move order
- N Scroll to the next unit off screen
- O Select the Order menu for the current unit
- P Give a patrol order
- R Give a repair order
- S Give a stop order (cancel any previous orders)
- T Track the selected unit
- V Toggles move orders
- - Reduce the game speed
- + Increase the game speed
- SHIFT Hold down to queue up multiple commands
- ENTER Activate the message bar
- ESC Cancels the current command before it is executed
- , (comma) Select the previous menu for that unit
- . (period) Select the next menu for that unit
- ~ (tilde) Toggle damage bars on the units
- PAUSE Pause the game
- Arm Mission 1: A Hero Returns
- Objective: The objective of this mission is to secure the Galactic Gate from a Core threat.
- Map: You start near the middle bottom of the map. The Galactic Gate is located
- in the upper section of the map in a big caldera. Core units are scattered across
- the map to stop you from gaining control of the Gate.
- Strategy: Select all the units and use them together for more force. You can do
- this by clicking and dragging the green box over all the units on the screen or by
- using the Ctrl-A key combination. Using all your units together masses their firepower,
- taking out enemy units faster with less damage incurred to your own units (very
- important since you have no repair capabilities at this level). Keep an eye on the
- mini-map (upper left corner), your units will appear as blue dots. The exposed area
- will appear green, uncovered territory appears black, explored territory that is out
- of sight shows gray and enemy units are red dots. With your units still selected,
- click on the upper left corner of the battle map. Your units will start moving up
- and to the left, across the terrain at different rates. If you are trying to mass
- your firepower onto enemy units, it's important to keep all of your units together,
- so keep an eye on them and don't let them get too spread out.
- Enemy units will quickly appear. Click on the Core units as they come into sight.
- Your units will converge and attack. Continue this until there are no more enemy units.
- Watch your cursor for changes. It will reflect when a unit is out of attack range, etc.
- You can also track unit health by turning on the damage bars, which appear as a
- green line under each unit. The damage bar turns red as a unit takes damage, until
- the unit is dead (then it turns black).
- Keep referring to the mini-map (upper left corner) since you can see enemy units
- there before you can see them on your battle map. Move your massed units in their
- direction and attack as you see them. Keep moving across the map toward your goal
- attacking enemy units as you encounter them. Move all your units up and into the
- caldera containing the Galactic Gate. This will end the mission.
- Arm Mission 2: Core Kbot base, destroy it!
- Objective: Establish a base by building metal extractors, energy generators,
- defensive systems and a Kbot manufacturing facility. Destroy all Core units
- or just the Core Kbot lab.
- Map: The map is comprised of two land masses separated by a river with two
- crossing points. The Core is on the larger L-shaped portion of the map from
- the mid-left, down and over to the lower right. Your units start in the
- middle of the upper right section of the map. The two crossing points are
- the shallow portions of the river. Just to your right is a small cliff
- from which several Core units will launch an attack. If you travel to the
- upper right side of the screen you will see the entrance to a canyon be
- prepared for patrolling Core units if you go there. The Core Kbot lab is
- located almost directly down from your starting position.
- Strategy: You start this map with a new unit, your Commander. He's a very
- powerful asset, but you only have one of them. Protect him at all costs!
- Begin by building energy generators. Select the Commander and then the
- Solar Collector from the build menu on the left side of the screen. When you move
- your cursor back onto your battle map, your cursor will appear as a green square
- if it is over a suitable spot on which to build. Select a spot, click and the
- Commander will start building. At the top of the screen are two bars, these
- indicate the amount of Metal and Energy you have. This will be affected as the
- Solar Collector is built. Move the cursor over the unit being built to track
- the progress of its construction in the unit status bar at the bottom of the screen.
- Once you've built the Solar Collector, build a Metal Extractor. Metal Extractors
- can be built anywhere, but on top of a silver metal deposit is best. Repeat
- this process until you have two more Metal Extractors and Solar Collectors then
- build a Laser Tower. This will help protect you from patrolling Core AKs that
- might wander into your camp. To queue, or issue consecutive orders, to the
- Commander, select a unit from the build menu, move your cursor over the battle
- map, hold down the "Shift" key and left click the green build box where you want
- the next unit to be built. As soon as the Commander finishes building one unit,
- he will start building the next. Select a Kbot lab to build next.
- You can wait until the Kbot lab is complete or start attacking the enemy now.
- Select all the offensive Kbots, except the Commander. Either click and drag
- the green box over them or hold down the "shift" key and select each unit
- individually with the left mouse button. Once you have them all selected
- press the CTRL-1 key combination. If damage bars are visible, a number "1"
- should now appear under all selected units. They are now grouped and can all
- be reselected by using the ALT-1 key combination. Move them around the map
- to search for the enemy. Mass your firepower against one Core unit at a time.
- Stop the units at the mouth of the canyon, they will finish up any Core units
- that try to come through there.
- Once the Kbot lab is complete click on it and the build menu will appear. As you
- move your cursor over the menu you will see the cost of metal and energy to
- manufacture the available units. Click on the Jethro 4 times. You should see a
- +4 superimposed over the Jethro icon. This means your Kbot lab will build 4
- Jethros before stopping production. Don't stop there, click 4 times each on a
- Hammer, Rocko and PeeWee. The Kbot lab will start to "nanolathe" or build a
- small assault force. As units are nanolathed they walk off the platform. Move
- them to a clear area to wait until all the other units have been produced.
- Once all the units have been manufactured select the whole group and use the
- CTRL-2 key combination to set them as Group 2. Move them all down to the river.
- Find the shallow crossing point in the river and click on the other side.
- As the first unit reaches the other side it will start taking fire from the
- Laser Tower on the top of the ridge in front of you. Head toward the Laser
- Tower and as soon as you see the ridge crest, click on it. You can click on
- the Laser Tower to attack as soon as you see it, but it's on higher ground
- and your fire will not be as effective. Run your units to the ridge top and
- then attack it.
- You will encounter more enemy units once you reach the top of the ridge.
- Continue toward your objective attacking as you go. When you see Core
- structures (a Radar Tower, an Energy Storage Unit and a Solar Collector),
- destroy them but keep attacking the Core units as you see them. None of
- the structures can kill you but the Kbots can! Once you have destroyed all
- the buildings and aren't being attacked by roving Core units, continue moving
- toward the goal. You should see the Core Kbot lab as you move forward.
- Attack and destroy it. The mission ends as soon as the lab is demolished.
- Arm Mission 3: Spider Technology
- Objective: Save at least one Spider by returning it to your base.
- Map: The map consists of three land masses separated by a "Y" in a river.
- Your Commander and units start at the lower right side of the "Y". The
- spiders are located at the very top center of the map, at the summit of a
- steep hill.
- Strategy: The key to this mission is time. Build up your base with some
- energy generators, a Metal Extractor and a couple Laser Towers for defense
- (placed on the outside of the Dragon's Teeth). If you start running low
- on resources use your Commander to reclaim trees for energy and rocks for
- metal. Build a manufacturing plant of some sort and start producing units.
- Slowly advance your units up the map to the Spiders; staying on your side
- of the river makes it easier. Once you've cleared a path for the Spiders
- to get to your base, select them and walk them down. You might have to
- walk them around the base a little to complete the mission.
- Copyright ⌐ 1997 Humongous Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.